Kaitlyn Nussberger - BS Student

Kaitlyn Nussberger

I am a senior undergraduate student studying Biomedical Engineering, with minors in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and English. Originally from Houston, Texas, I have been attending UNT since 2019 and have been highly passionate about biomedical engineering from day one.

I am currently working with Dr. Moo-Yeal Lee in the UNT Bioprinting lab, assisting in the research and writing for a review paper on brain organoids. I previously conducted research with two other labs, the OrthoBME lab at the University of Florida, where I studied cellular response to inflammatory stimulus and 3D cell culture platforms under Dr. Kyle Allen, and the UNT Biothermal Cancer Detection Research Group, where I assisted Dr. Tae-Youl Choi with human cell culture and maintenance. I currently serve as the Founding Secretary of IEEE EMBS UNT and the President of AEMB UNT.

My research interests are in synthetic biology, specifically the development of therapeutics using genetic, viral, and/or biomolecular engineering strategies. After graduating with my bachelor's degree, I plan to attend graduate school and earn my PhD in Biomedical Engineering. I hope to eventually work in R&D at a large medical company like Johnson and Johnson, designing and testing new therapeutics.